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    A Share: 300748
    H Share: 06680



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    Meet the "basket" and show style, chase the "ball" exquisite casting craftsmanship

    Meet the "basket" and show style, chase the "ball" exquisite casting craftsmanship

     ----The 14th "JLMAG Cup" Men's basketball Match came to a successful end

           On June 30th, the 14th "JLMAG Cup" Men's Basketball championship competition started in the company's basketball court. "Full fire" against both sides, tacit passing, beautiful return, excellent rebound... A series of crisp movements of the athletes from time to time lit up the audience, but also for the onlookers to come to the basketball fans presented a powerful "basketball feast". After fierce competition, the basketball game came to a perfect end!




           "JLMAG Cup" Men's Basketball Match held for 14 years, and has been loved by the staff with high participation and enthusiastic response. Through the competition, it not only enriches the amateur cultural life of the staff, enhances the teamwork, but also stimulates the staff's motivation of innovation and entrepreneurship in the sports competition, and creates a good atmosphere of unity and hard work within the company. Although the game has ended, but the spirit of enterprising and striving for sports will always exist.

           Meet the "basket" and show style, chase the "ball" exquisite casting ingenuity. In the future, JLMAG will continue to pay attention to cultural construction, boost staff morale by organizing various activities, gather striving force, and inject a steady stream of motivation for the implementation of the mission of "JLMAG, create a better life with rare earth"!

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